Killi expedition to Cameroon - January 2013
The Adventures of Asterix and Obelix...
< 'Day 14' |
'Day 16' > | |
In the end, the "death row" lead to Poutloloma!
The day begins with a change of hotel. The morning is thus dedicated to the packaging of fishes and to the preparation of suitcases for last time before return in France.
After these made formalities, we leave fishing for Aphyosemion franzwerneri in a known point, and taking some water for the evening changes before returning to the hotel. In 3 hours, everything must be folded. But we met some problems with the local population...
While we began to take some water a few meters away from a villager washing himself, the latter left warning all the village of our presence. A few minutes later, we see arriving 4 persons, apparently irritated. A tense discussion begins, the tone rises, and will end 45 minutes later by a bill of 10 000 CFA... We obtain the authorization to go fishing a little more thanks to this invaluable sesame! To note that he demanded at first 50 000 CFA francs...
We end the day in the swimming pool of the hotel, just to unwind a little. It is 10 pm, the changes of water begin. By hoping that the losses do not become too important after these 2 intense weeks of peach(fishing)!