Killi expedition to Gabon - July 2016

the true
primary forest

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D4 - The first pleasant surprises

07/07/2016 - Journey : Fougamou --> Guietsou --> Mouila

An intense day ! After a departure a little earlier than the day before, we arrive at Mouila at the end of morning and take advantage of it to reserve directly the hotel and the dinner. We quickly leave in the direction of Guietsou, with a track saying chaotic. But luckily, it was recently redone. We thus move forward quickly and make a point to about ten kilometers of Guietsou.
Quickly, "Wouhaaaaaaaa" rung in the forest. Thibault fishes for one "new Aphyo", in strong yellow dominant, of the primigenium group. Evening photos are going to limit our enthusiasm, because it is certainly a primigenium! Laurent, is satisfied with his fishing of Plataplo. To note : a very beautiful Epiplatys, unknown maybe, of the ansorgii group?

We turn back to return, with two new points among which 1 interesting for Plataplo.
The road is simply magnificent, with the mountain forest ending on a savanna plain!
The dinner ? Python! And it is really good!
Some photos and water changes later, it's time to sleep ! PS: Long live France, in finale of the European championship soccer!

Road to Guietsou

Road to Guietsou

Road to Guietsou

Epiplatys sp.

Aphyo. aff. primigenium

Aphyo. aff. primigenium